Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Stouffer - Unit 1 Blog

Where do you find the majority of your teaching resources?
For the most part, I create my own teaching resources. However, I do sample heavily from other sources. I follow a number of useful Twitter accounts, I attend teaching conventions and seminars as frequently as possible (NCTE is my favorite, though I think an ISTE conference would be amazing), and I troll Teachers Pay Teachers for inspiration quite often.

Who do you look to for support and research for new ideas?
I'm part of the technology team in my district, so I am able to get a lot of good research, support, and ideas from them and from our Google Group. I also look to my coworkers to see what they are doing, what they are finding success with, and what their students are enjoying.

Do you follow any particular blogs? If so, please share.
For the most part, the only blogs I follow are YouTube vlogs. I follow The VlogbrothersCrash CourseSci ShowVeritasiumMinute PhysicsCrash Course KidsThe Brain ScoopSmarter Every DayGrammar GirlTED EdTED, & TEDx Talks.

What are some of the hot topics you face in your situation, particularly those that are controversial but also new challenges?
One major challenge is this year's district initiative. Our district is pushing for more and more and more use of technology. They want teachers using Chromebooks, using Google Apps for Education, and really using any technology we can. Unfortunately, there just aren't enough resources to go around to fuel this push for technology use. We have a few Chromebook carts, two computer labs, and some dinosaur laptops in the library. There is just no way for teachers to use the tech as often as it seems administration would prefer. Another challenge is that students can now (new for this school year), use their devices in the halls, during study halls, in the library, and in the cafeteria. This has caused, in my opinion, more problems than it has offered in advantages.


  1. Jessica DiBernardoMarch 8, 2018 at 10:15 AM

    Hi! It's so interesting that you are part of a technology team for your district! Your students are extremely lucky to have you on technology's side. I think your hot topic is something many districts are struggling with. Their passion to include technology is there but the resources aren't. What are some possible solutions your district is thinking of if there are any? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jessica,
      I do feel fortunate to be on the tech team! It does have its perks :) Our district is in the process of going 1:1 for 4th-12th's just a slow, slow, tedious process.

  2. Nicole,
    I had a similar problem with lack to technology at my old school district. We would have teacher in-services about technology and the internet would not work with just the teachers trying to access the internet at the same time. How was multiple classroom of students going to be able to work on computers at the same time? Then multiple times a week the Wifi would randomly stop working. So between internet issues and lack of working computers it became more of a hassle to use technology. This was a shame because I really do believe that technology has the ability to enhance student learning. I recently obtain a teaching position in another school district that has adopted the 1 to 1 initiative. It is has been a pleasure having the ability to easily plan on implementing technology within my lessons without the constant issues.

    That is great that you are apart of a technology team within your district. I am hoping that this master’s degree will assist me in obtaining a technology coach position. Does your district have a designated technology coach or do they only have a team of teachers? I ask because I wonder if districts are moving away from actual technology positions.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Megan,
      It's good to hear that my district is not alone in its technology struggles. To answer your question, our district has a team of teachers that meet infrequently to discuss potential opportunities and problem solve upcoming things. We newly have a k-6 technology coach too though!

  3. Nicole,

    This is the thing that always fascinates me about administration when it comes to education. Every year there seems to be some "hot button key word" that the choose to go with, in my case it's Social Emotional Learning, and in your case technology integration. They always start out with a great plan of action but never actually evaluate what materials they need to reach that level of accomplishment they seek. Our building is struggling with the same thing yours is. Inadequate technology, WiFi infrastructure, obsolete technology and what technology there is available has been beaten within an inch of its proverbial life. It makes me question why commit to a project in words but not in actual dollars.

    1. John,
      I ponder the same questions on a daily basis! I really do think our district has best intentions and does plan to follow through. It's just this interim period that's tough. Thanks for your thoughts!

  4. Love the blogs you share Veritasium is amazing. I got to hear him speak once. Very interesting story as well as his process behind video creation.

    1. I do enjoy Veritasium. IF you haven't yet, definitely check out some of the other vlogs I posted. They are all rather interrelated, so if you like Veritasium, you'll probably like them too!
