Monday, April 23, 2018

Personalized Learning

Interview Links:

PowToon YouTube Video on Personalized Learning:

Alternate Link:
Magazine Link: 

What do I know now that I didn't know before this course? 
To be honest, I feel as though I may be the exception in this course. While I did gain many, many insights and ideas from my classmates in reading their blogs and checking out their work, I feel confident that I generally knew (and occasionally had a very deep understanding) of all of the topics presented in this course. So, in all, what I learned the most or gained the most was perspective from peers who are just being introduced to this content. It was refreshing to hear (both the positives and the negatives) what everyone had to say each week!
What can I do now I couldn't do before? 
One major thing that I can do now that I couldn't (well, didn't) do before is double-check technologies that I thought I was an expert in. I should know this, but was not employing the concept: technology is ever-changing. I shouldn't bank on it staying the same old same old. That rather bit me in the butt for this course, as I didn't realize Screencastify, Prezi, and other techs had changed so crucially. 
Why does it matter? 
I think the course content for this class is EXTREMELY important. The reason I was so familiar with everything is because I consider these concepts to be the up and coming ways that classrooms should and will be structured. In fact, I hope it goes even further and we see more gamification in all content area classrooms. If we move towards modelling our classrooms more like what students will experience in the "real-world", I feel as though our students can only become more and more successful. 
As for my grade, I feel like a 20 would be too bold for someone who underestimated the changes in technology. I would probably rate myself an 18 or 19 for the final project. I feel as though I have thoroughly tackled all of the aspects in a neat, orderly, and detailed fashion. I poured a lot of effort into research and interviewing my two experts. I have enjoyed this class and look forward to the rest of the courses in my path. 

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