Sunday, December 3, 2017

u06a1 - Stouffer

My thoughts about inquiry based learned have not developed drastically over the past week. If anything, they have just been reinforced. It has been amazing to have the opportunity to see what all of my EDIM classmates have come up with for their own inquiry-based learning unit plans and Google Sites. 

I have developed some new insights into Web 2.0 tools that I did not know existed. Some I want to find a way to implement immediately into my own classes where they may be compatible.  I consider this exchange of knowledge one of the most beneficial components of online graduate classes such as this. We, as teachers. are able to absorb so many new and different kinds of ideas to then turn around and implement in our classrooms!

As I stated in my last blog post, one "burning question" that still remains to be answered for me is how I can seamlessly integrate this into my current curriculum. At the moment, my 7th grade ELA curriculum is already overloaded; it is nearly impossible for me to cover all of the material that I am required to have students master by the end of the year. The inquiry-based learning process, though it sounds incredibly effective and engaging, seems as though it would require more time to implement effectively. The more examples I see from my classmates, the more concerned I am that I wouldn't be able to dabble with inquiry-based learning units too often in my classes. It is just too time consuming. 

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